Saturday 7 February 2009

Pop Foto, March 1981: ABBA's Agnetha and Anni-Frid always look terrific... How do they manage that?

ABBA’s Agnetha and Anni-Frid always look extremely good. Many fans ask themselves how they manage to do that. Reason enough for Pop Foto to ask the famous Swedish top singers to reveal some of their secrets. And so they did...

Hello! To get straight to the point: you always have a very well groomed appearance, Agnetha and Anni-Frid! You must get lots of compliments about that?
Agnetha: “Yes, that’s right. Although I don’t understand it sometimes. I mean, I know lots of other people who look much better, who deserve these compliments more. Because, in my opinion, we don’t look that fantastic.”
What do you think about that, Anni-Frid?
Anni-Frid: “Whether or not we are satisfied with our looks, it is and remains nice to get compliments like that. And at the same time it’s a kind of affirmation that we at least don’t pay so much attention to our appearance for nothing.”

The skin care that you’re talking about must take an awful lot of time?
Anni-Frid: “Yes, as a matter of fact, it occupies you constantly. Because you always need to watch yourself that you don’t eat the wrong kind of food. You have to see to it that you get enough exercise and, for example, too much alcohol isn’t good either. In my opinion, all of this put together is the basis for a healthy skin.”
Agnetha: “Indeed, that’s extremely important. For instance, that’s why we don’t eat nearly as much candy as we’d like to.”

Do you have a make-up artist to put on your make-up, or do you do it yourselves as well?
Agnetha: “For television recordings we have a make-up artist. That’s a special technique that we can’t manage ourselves. On the tube you come across as very ‘unreal’ when it’s not done properly. That’s why even men always get a treatment by such a lady whenever they have to appear on television. The special lighting that’s used on television simply requires that. But in other cases, we do our make-up ourselves.”

You obviously learned lots of make-up tricks since you’re in this business?
Anni-Frid: “Well, lots... that’s not completely true! For instance, something that I’ve learned from a make-up artist, is how to eliminate the bags under my eyes and little stains and zits. You have to buy a so-called ‘green pencil’ for that. You start with that pencil, when you begin to put on your make-up. You disguise the concerning spots, only after that you can put on some liquid make-up on your face. When you do it right (practice makes perfect), it’s practically invisible!”
Agnetha: “Putting on your own make-up is a matter of practice. The more often you do it, the better and faster it will go in time...”

On the ‘Super Trouper’ album cover, Agnetha is portrayed with an intense blue eye shadow. Immediately after the release of this album, lots of young Dutch girls walked around just like that. What do you think about that?
Agnetha: “Wonderful, of course! It only proves that I must do something right!”

You probably use lots of cosmetics?
Agnetha and Anni-Frid look at each other and burst into laughter.
Anni-Frid: “You could say that, yes! Not only make-up, by the way. For instance, twice a week we put on a clay mask. Good cleansing and grooming products are also very important!”

Do you have some advice for the Pop Foto readers? They should be very happy with that...
Agnetha: “When you want to look as radiant as possible, you must see to it, just like I do, that you eat healthy food, that you get enough exercise and that you take care of your skin properly.”
Anni-Frid: “We actually can’t give any real make-up tips, because like Agnetha already put it, it’s mainly a question of practice. But... anyone is able to master it!”

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