Monday 18 January 2010

ABBA Info, March 1985: Agnetha interview – Eyes Of A Woman

A 1985 interview with Agnetha about her then recent ‘Eyes Of A Woman’ album, taken from a Dutch fan magazine.
Is there something special that marks the difference between ‘Eyes Of A Woman’ and your previous album ‘Wrap Your Arms Around Me’?
Agnetha: “Actually, I never compare an album with my previous albums or albums by other artists. I think every album is a product that stands on its own.”
What made you decide to choose Eric Stewart as your producer?
Agnetha: “In my days with ABBA, I’ve met Eric Stewart and 10CC a couple of times. Thomas Johansson of EMA-Telstar gave me the idea to work with Eric. I thought it was a good idea and started listening to all 10CC albums. Choosing a producer is a difficult decision. You never know if you will get along and if you will understand each other when you finally meet. Thankfully, everything turned out for the best with us. Eric is a calm and pleasant person to work with.”
Not many people are aware of the fact that you used to write a lot of songs yourself. Why didn’t you write more this time?
Agnetha: “I don’t compose very much these days. I try to write one or two songs for every album. Composing is very difficult, it takes a lot of energy and patience and I’m getting ever more critical. And I don’t have much time.”
How did you and Eric choose the songs for the album?
Agnetha: “We’ve listened to about 400 songs by different composers. Eric did the same thing and the songs that we both liked best eventually made it onto the album.”
Except for that and the singing, did you work on the album in other areas?
Agnetha: “I’ve been involved in every aspect of the album, from start to finish. That way, I get a better overview of the project, I like that better.”
Did you have other musical advisors, apart from Eric?
Agnetha: “There were four people who made the decisions. Namely Paris Edvinson, the engineer, who is behind a lot of ideas and Rutger Gunnarson who has made all the arrangements. A lot of work was done in the studio with the English musicians that Eric had picked for this album.”
Most songs on ‘Eyes Of A Woman’ have lyrics about love.
Agnetha: “Yes, that’s just a coincidence. Most composers write about love. Perhaps it’s because we all have so many emotions bottled up inside and when you get the opportunity to write a lyric, these feelings may come out and you get sentimental and emotional.”

Which song do you like best?
Agnetha: “Eric’s ballad ‘I Won’t Be Leaving You’ is one of my favourites.”
Why did you choose ‘I Won’t Let You Go’ as a single?
Agnetha: “We played different songs to several people. The majority thought that my song was most suitable. Initially, we were thinking about releasing ‘One Way Love’ but the majority of votes went to my song, so ‘I Won’t Let You Go’ it was.”
Without a doubt, the album will be compared to Frida’s album. Do you think there are similarities?
Agnetha: “No, not all songs on Frida’s album are songs that I would have picked myself.”
Are you going to do promotional tours?
Agnetha: “Only short ones. We start off in Norway and Germany, and after that Belgium. In May, I will be in Montreux and before that I will be doing a show that will be broadcast from Oslo, among others in the USA.”
Would you like to perform live again?
Agnetha: “It’s not out of the question. Perhaps something like a show in Stockholm for a short period of time. It’s rather difficult because I’m more of a recording artist than a live artist. But I do like to be on stage.”
What do you think about ABBA’s future?
Agnetha: “Together, we’ve been through a lot of good times, but bad times as well. I don’t want to put a definitive end to that period, but I don’t want to start all over again either. Those years were exhausting with a lot of travelling and a bad conscience about the children. It was marvellous to be able to experience that kind of success. It’s probably impossible for all four of us to have that kind of success on our own. At least, I don’t count on it. ABBA was a phenomenon. I can imagine that we will record an album together at some point in the future, but I don’t want all the fuss surrounding it, those days are gone.”
What are your good and bad qualities?
Agnetha: “I have both feet planted firmly on the ground, I’m very persistent. I like to go my own way. I’m not very impatient when it’s important to stay calm and I don’t like to tinker at futilities.”
What will you be doing in 1985?
Agnetha: “In the summer, I’m having some time off and in the autumn, Christian will be starting school. Then I’ll be home.”

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