Saturday 27 March 2010

Pop Foto, June 1979: What David never dared to dream of…

David, our vigorous photo comic strip hero, encounters a whole lot of strange things. It takes a whole lifetime for a normal human being to experience the kinds of things that Dave goes through in only one day without blinking an eye. Indeed, we are able to witness that every month through his photo comic strip. But what life had in store for him now... even David would never have dared to dream about that.

It all started a couple of years ago. ABBA paid a visit to Holland and David, curious as always, went to great lengths to get close to his idols. Something that he miraculously managed to do, although it was necessary to disguise himself as the assistant of a photographer. But when Dave had finally managed to sneak into the hotel where ABBA would meet the press at that moment, it turned out that the biggest part of the ABBA company wasn’t interested at all in that Dutch foreign chap. Except Agnetha, she didn’t mind to find out more about that weird comedian. And before Agnetha and David realised it, they were tied up in a vibrant conversation about all kinds of things.
David asked her everything about the music business, curious as he is, and Agnetha elaborated on that extensively. But it didn’t end with that one meeting. David travelled along with ABBA to Belgium, had endless conversations with Agnetha again in Germany and he even took to the dance floor with her in Switzerland. Without realising it, David was starting to get hooked on the music business due to all these experiences. Quietly, the dream of becoming a singer and making his own record entered his mind. That desire kept on growing and growing until our Dave couldn’t think about anything else anymore. He wouldn’t rest until his silent wish had become reality.
Luckily for him, this restless feeling will now come to an end. Because his silent wish has come true: David has made his own record. While remembering all the advice that Agnetha gave him, he worked very hard in the recording studio for days on end, surprised friend and foe with his, for a beginner, professional approach and eventually came out with a fantastic single: ‘Love Concerto’. A single that will be available in all the shops on May 1.

Obviously, David couldn’t be more proud of his very own single. But we know someone else who will be very proud as well. Wanna bet that the first copy is spinning on a record player in Stockholm as we speak...

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